1. Diagram above shows the reading on a Vernier calliper. What is the reading of the measurement?
Answer = ____________
2. A student used a vernier caliper to measure the length of his pencil. He found that the caliper showed a reading of -0.02 cm even though the jaws of the caliper was firmly closed. When he used the caliper to measure the length of the pencil, the caliper showed a reading of 8.25 cm. What was the correct measurement of the length of the pencil?
- 8.25 cm
- 8.27 cm
- 8.23 cm
3. Figure (a) above shows the zero error of a vernier calliper. Figure (b) shows the reading on the vernier calliper when measuring the length of an object. Find the correct reading of the measurement.
- 2.03 cm
- 2.07 cm
- 2.05 cm
- 2.15 cm
4. Figure above shows the reading on a micrometer screw gauge.
The reading is equal to _________
5. A student was asked to measure the thickness of a sheet of paper. The diagram shows the reading on a micrometer when he measured the thickness 50 sheets of similar paper. What is the thickness of the paper?