Distance and Displacement


The distance traveled by an object is the total length that is traveled by that object.

SI unit: meter (m)
Quantity: Scalar


Displacement of an object from a point of reference, O is the shortest distance of the object from point O in a specific direction.

SI unit: meter (m)
Quantity: Vector


The distance of point B from the origin O is 100m.
The distance of point A from the origin O is also 100m.

The displacement of point B from the origin O is +100m.
The distance of point A from the origin O is -100m.
The + and – sign show the direction of the displacement.


Adli go to work by motorcycle everyday as shown in the diagram above.
The distance that Adli travels from his house to the factory is 200m.
The displacement of Adli from his house after arriving at the factory is 120m.

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