Motion with Uniform Acceleration - Example 1

Example 1:
An object accelerates from stationary with the acceleration of 4 ms-2. What is the velocity of the object after 7s?

It's advisable to list down all the information that we have.

Initial velocity, u = 0 (Because the motion start from stationary)
Acceleration, a = 4 ms-2
Time taken, t = 7s
Final velocity, v = ?

The displacement, s, is not involved, hence we select the equation \(v = u + at\) to solve the problem. v=u+at v=(0)+(4)(7) v=28m s 1


v=u+at s=ut+ 1 2 a t 2 v 2 = u 2 +2as s= 1 2 (u+v)t